Thursday, January 22, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hello all,

I got the opportunity to shoot a very talented young kid who is phenomenal on ice skates. Here are just a few that I got. Ice skating is interesting to shoot, it is not necessarily hard to shoot, however, there are times that you miss a great shot because ice skating has the ability to speed up to the level of ice hockey, which if you have ever shot, can be one of the very difficult sports. But nevertheless, enjoy!


Hey all,
These are some of the studio pictures that I took while I spent some time in Florida. The "cork" series of pictures are all the corks from the bottles of wine that my sister has drank in the last 8 years of her marriage. Don't worry, she is not an alcoholic.

Florida Trip

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hello all,

These were some pictures that I had the opportunity to capture the few minutes I was flying over the clouds.  I thought they turned out well considering I was moving at 500mph and I was shooting through a 1/4 in glass window.  So all is well!!

Hey all,

This is the darling Katherine that I got the luxury of spending a week with. She is my neice and her mother loves free portraits of her children. Enjoy!



50mm/1.8 f1/100

50mm/1.8 f1/200

Friday, January 9, 2009





Hello all,

It's time to start blogging I suppose. Many have asked if I would so I have decided to give it a shot for a few months and see. But here are my first pictures I wanted to post. All the pictures this time will be portaits of my niece and nephews that I have luckily gotten to see. Enjoy!!